Getting WooCommerce ’21 Starting from scratch or upgrading your site to incorporate WooCommerce is no problem. From adding products and managing orders to offering coupons and creating reports, WooCommerce packs a lot of punch. There are plenty of exciting new WooCommerce plugins and extensions available to make your client’s online storefront attract and retain more
I know I know I know before you say anything I understand this statement is probably ridiculous. However, this topic could aid someone or more likely open the floor to discuss concepts in general so without hesitation, we will dive into it. let and var so what are they and their differences As you probably
Maybe you are new to the .Net lifestyle or maybe you are a veteran, either way, you ended up here to get a better understanding of what reflection is all about. To begin reflection is the process of describing various metadata of types, methods, and fields in code, that is literal Microsoft definition but no
Introduction Google’s reCAPTCHA API protects your website/app from malicious traffic. You might have seen the reCAPTCHA integrated on web pages. You can integrate the same in your Android apps too using SafeNet API. The service is free to use and it will show a captcha to be solved if the engine suspects user interaction to